Into the Last Month

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Walking the boardwalk by Chris and Myana's place
My memory of this week is unclear for some reason. I didn't have many castings, actually only three all week, so I mostly just hung out with friends. I revisited SML with Robinson and Gert, sang way too much karaoke at Halo, partied at DI, stayed out in Man On Shan, and found waves at a beach.

We love us some Canadian food

Apparently there was someone having a birthday in DI.. aka us getting cool souvenirs
My new Canadian love
Chris learned that a Boa is not always a snake
Sleepover with Myana

Big Wave Beach in Shek O. The waves did actually get pretty big.

Gert right before she learned to love waves
You could rent surfboards and skim boards. Chris's surfboard broke but Robinson had fun on the skim board.

Little market area by the beach where I bought some flip flops

We walked up the mountain beside the beach to see the view

The sun started setting and turned everything pink.

 This was our last weekend with Chris as he is sadly leaving on Tuesday to go back home and Robinson will be doing the same in another week. I only have three more weeks here so it feel's like its winding down a bit for me too. But there will still be us girls here and I'm sure I can fit many more adventures into these next few weeks.

Ocean park and a Beach at DI

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Last Friday I decided to do Ocean Park round two with friends. Last time I was there with my family we went on a Sunday at 10am and stayed till about 3pm. It was crazy busy and crazy hot so we mostly just saw the animals and avoided the long lines at rides. This time we went around 4pm and stayed till closing at 10pm. Cooler air and almost no people made it so much better. Ocean park is split into two sections with a focus on animals
in the bottom section and a focus on rides and water animals in the top section. This time we went on all the rides we wanted with barely a wait. Such a difference from the 2hr lines I saw last time.

Giant panda

Chris and Daiva being sharks in a gift shop

View from the cable car that connected both parts of the park

My first ferris wheel.
Saturday was the birthday of DI's owner so they threw a beach party inside the club. With sand on the floor, water and bubble guns in effect and other various beach themes set up, they did a really good job transforming the club.

Photo from Petra's camera
It turned into a late night that involved a walk home at 5am. Apparently the meat places in Causeway bay have dead animals on the street at this time of night. Not exactly a pleasant discovery.

The agency had texted Robinson and me on the weekend about a new Canadian model who was here and had no roommates asking us to contact her. We got together today for coffee and hung out until she had to go to a casting. HK is no fun without friends. 

KIVITZ on Woman Islamic Forum

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sabtu, 30 Juli, bertempat di Ambhara Hotel, jakarta, KIVITZ berkesempatan mengisi fashion show di acara Woman Islamic Forum (WIF). Ini kedua kalinya KIVITZ mengikuti Fashion Show. Tema fashion show kali ini adalah Idul Fitri ala hijabers. Yah, sebenanya saya juga sedikit bingung kenapa panitia mengambil tema tersebut. Menurut saya, setiap orang pasti punya style masing-masing dalam memilih baju lebaran. Oleh karena itu, saya memilih konsep yang sedikit formal dan terkesan rapih dengan tak menghilangkan warna bold yang telah menjadi ciri khas KIVITZ. Oia, rancangan ini pun sebenarnya masih belum sempurna, sedikit masih ada trial and error. Insya Allah akan disempurnakan di fashion show berikutnya. 

Menjelang lebaran pasti banyak bermunculan baju-baju ala timur tengah alias kaftan. Menurut saya, masyarakat sudah sedikit bosan dengan model baju ala kaftan timur tengah. Maka dari itu saya membuat konsep yang sedikit berbeda untuk edisi lebaran kali ini. Namun masih didominasi oleh kain berbahan chiffon. Mungkin kita akan sedikit me-review 5 baju rancangan saya untuk KIVITZ.

Chiffon coklat dan satin orange bata saya pilih untuk memberi kesan berbeda bagi baju lebaran kebanyakan yang banyak didominasi warna putih. Model atasan sedikit asimetris di bagian kanan dan kiri yang sedikit lebih panjang dari baju bagian tengah. Sedikit memberi volume pada baju ini. Cocok untuk yang bertubuh langsing atau kurus.

Atasan berbahan chiffon dipadu dengan rok rempel chiffon berwarna biru electric. Tak ada salahnya untuk tabrak warna asal masih dalam satu kesatuan. Atasan dibuat loose untuk menghilangkan kesan ketat. Model baju seperti ini cocok untuk semua jenis ukuran tubuh. Baik yang kurus sampai yang gemuk.

Chiffon ungu ini menjadi rancangan favorit saya. Selain saya menyukai warna ungu, bagian tangan pada baju ini dibuat asimetris. bagian kanan seperti lengan kelelawar dan bagian kiri dibuat seperti lengan panjang biasa. Bagian dada dibuat sedikit hiasan ruffle atau tumpuk yang menambah kesan manis pada baju ini.

Longdress pink ini dirancang sang at simple namun tetap terkesan anggun. Bagian tangan dibuat menyempit sehingga ada sedikit volume di bagian lengannya.

Longdress putih cocok bagi yang ingin tampil seperti idul Fitri biasanya. Ya, warna putih. Saran saya, pilih jilbab selain warna putih dan berwarna strong. Boleh juga dipadu dengan jilbab bermotif.

Okay, sedikit review basil baju rancangan saya untuk para muslimah yang ingin tampil beda pada lebaran kali ini. Mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan. Hijab style yang kurang maksimal karena dibatasi waktu dan saya harus mendandaninya seorang diri. Tak semua hijab terpasang dengan benar dan sempurna, huhuhu...

Selain KIVITZ, ada Dian Pelangi, Ria Miranda, Jenahara, Gda's Gallery, Mainland Heritage, dll.

Terima kasih kepada para model
Lidya, Fany, Ully, Firda, dan Afra

Tak lupa saya ucapkan terima kasih untuk suami tersayang yang selalu menemani saya di setiap kegiatan KIVITZ :)


Recap of the past month

I was down near Aberdeen for a casting so they decided to come with me and do a quick boat tour before I had to head back into the city for my next casting.

It's been a day over one month since I last
posted in this blog. I was extremely busy for a week and didnt have time to post and that was all it took to break the habit of posting. Once the habit was broken it was impossible to start again. I wanted this blog to be a way of sharing my experience with people back home and something for me to have to remember this trip by so I feel bad just abandoning it completely. I did however, start a photo album on facebook and was posting pictures during the hiatus from this blog. That made me feel like I was at least sharing pieces of the trip.
But to get this blog rolling again I will post pictures of the highlights of the last month and if I start slacking on my posts again just give me a shove. I'll thank Taylor D. for the Tweeted shove that inspired this post.

Ready for a long post with a lot of pictures?

Last month ended with a visit from my mom and sister, Natalie. They dragged me out of my apartment every day bright and early to go explore and do every tourist thing we could find. My weekends were full of day trips and short excursions were made before, in between, and after castings. Luckily I had a pretty slow week modeling wise so I had more time to spend with them. 

A lot of these pictures are from Natalie's camera

We went to Lantau Island to explore Ngong Ping and see the Tian Tan Buddha.

We also spent a long hot day at Ocean Park. I recommend going in the evening or on a weekday as it was very busy when we went on a Sunday.

We focused mainly on seeing the animals as the line-ups for the rides were insane.

I fell in love with the Margherita Pizza from here last time I was in California. I was pleasantly surprised when I found this one in Time's Square right by my apartment.

Avenue of the stars in Tsim Sha Tsui.

We really only recognized Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and Jet Li.

We went to Stanley to explore the market and waterfront.
Stanley Market is my favourite market in Hong Kong so far.

You can take a tram up the mountain to The Peak where there is spectacular views of the city
I needed to get out of HK to get work visa stamped so we headed to Macau for a day.

It started raining and when it rains, it pours.

We headed out to Hang Hau to visit my mom's cousin, Robert, and his wife, Helen, in their new house.
They then took us out for some delicious dim sum.

On their last night we found this restaurant with an outdoor balcony on the 11th floor of Time's Square. I think we all wished we had found it sooner.

 The next two weeks after my mom and sister left turned out to be very busy. I did another shoot for Jessica Code and a shoot for Una Magazine along with some fitting jobs and newspaper editorials. Weekends were mostly filled up with beach barbecues and clubbing. I met Robinson's friend, Chris, and his roommate, Myana and they fit right in with us. We celebrated both Robinson and Myana's birthday in one weekend and my new roommate, Anete's birthday the next. The people at DI must think we made these all up to get free cake three times. 

There was an insane amount of pictures of Robinson's birthday since he got a hold of our friend, Laura's camera. But I managed to narrow it down to just a few.

Before our pre dinner shots started.. I think you know where this is going

Cutting the cake

With Myana, Tristan,, Laura, and Chris

Part of our lovely group
With Chris
A creepy guy who kept hitting on our group until we got him thrown out. This is poor Petra (a roommate) dealing with it.

With Laura
My two favourite guys in HK
One shot of Myana's birthday at DI which was actually the day after her birthday. We did a BBQ on the actual day
I believe this one was Anete's Birthday
My agency did a dinner for the new models at a Korean BBQ place. You cook all your own meat!

St. Steven's Beach in Stanley.
Still hot even with the sun going down

Ingrid trying out Robinson's camera
Chris's improvised spatula
We like our Steven's Bay BBQs
 That sums up most of the past month. Sorry for the length of it all, I tried to just pick the highlights but there was still quite a bit. I'll try to get back to posting more regularly so that this doesn't happen again. I do only have one more month here though. The time has gone by so fast.